Workcamps in Czechia
Are you intrigued to volunteer in the Czech Republic? You can organize, lead or simply participate at the workcamp in the Czech Republic.
czech workcamps in 2025
This year we are organizing around 20 workcamps (of which 1 FAMILY). We are also preparing for you 5 One Day Volunteering events, which will also be in different parts of our country and will focus on different topics. To make sure you don’t miss anything, we recommend signing up for the newsletter if you haven’t already done so (check the footer of the site to subscribe to the newsletter).
Land a helping hand, discover, experience, learn
Are you tempted to experience this summer differently? Do you want to discover Czechia, its culture, people and nature in a unique way? Go to a workcamp. A short-term international volunteer project in Czechia is a great way to practice your Czech (and English), improve your communication, teamwork or organisation.
Your motivation might be to find new international and Czech friends, to collect special moments, you will remember forever and
What is a workcamp?
Workcamp is a 3-day to 3-week volunteer project where a group of volunteers work together, spend free time, explore the area and get to know locals. The group works approximately 6 hours a day, 5 days a week. The work usually does not require special qualifications or previous experience and is unpaid. The most important is your motivation. 🙂
Workcamp themes
Workcamps are based on the needs of a given locality and are always created in cooperation with INEX and local partners. The projects include not only volunteer work but also joint activities of volunteers and the local communities. Workcamps also offer the opportunity to learn about the project topic, get to know the region and get acquainted with a particular non-profit organization or municipality and its activities. We mainly support projects focused on community development, restoration of historical landmarks, social projects and environmental projects.
Help the Community
Volunteers support local municipalities and non-governmental organizations by helping with the renovation of public spaces, organization of local festivals or children’s days, or restoration of local landmarks. They work both in small villages and in larger cities. The projects create many opportunities for volunteers and local people to meet and are focused on the sustainable development of the municipalities and the surrounding countryside.
Help the Landmarks
The projects focus mainly on the preservation and renovation of historically significant objects such as castles, historical cemeteries, churches and other monuments. Volunteers have the opportunity to learn about the general topic of landmark conservation and the history of a particular landmark. Through practical work awareness of the importance of preserving historically and culturally important sites is raised.
Help the People
The volunteers support various social projects which offer help to people facing social exclusion, children and youth, the elderly, people with special needs and others. According to the needs of the local partner, the volunteers do manual work (e.g. renovation, maintenance, construction work) or work directly with the projects’ clients. These projects provide insight into the operation of social services in the Czech Republic.
Help the Nature
The projects aim at environmental protection and education towards an environment-friendly lifestyle. The volunteers will do practical environmental work in natural preserves, forests and other environmentally significant areas. Most of the work takes place outdoors and can include planting trees, scything protected meadows or reviving springs etc.
Accomodation and food
Accommodation and food are provided by the host organization. Sometimes volunteers help with cooking or cook together as a group. Accommodation is usually modest, in the premises of a local organization, local school, gym, culture house, scout clubhouse, hostels or tents. Sometimes, you must bring your own sleeping bag and mat.
Leisure activities
Workcamps offer space for joint entertainment, visits to interesting places in the area and cultural activities with other volunteers or locals. Suggestions for the leisure program can be made by a local partner or leader, but don’t hesitate to come up with your ideas.
Who is workcamp for?
We believe that everyone can participate. Volunteers are expected to be actively involved in all parts of the volunteer project – work, leisure activities, cooking, etc. and thus become part of the group. Flexibility and willingness to adapt to the local environment and conditions are important. The only requirement is that you are currently living in the Czech Republic.
Most often at the workcamp you will meet volunteers between 18-26 years. However, more and more often, younger and older applicants also often join the projects. They allow for exchanges across generations, which can be a very interesting experience for all participants.
- 18+ most workcamps are open from the age of 18 and the maximum age is not specified unless stated otherwise in the project description
- -18 projects can only be for minors (so-called TEEN workcamps 15-17), or a wider age group including minors (17+). To participate in these workcamps, the volunteer must send the consent of the parent or guardian. We also organize family workcamps for families with children (see specialized projects below).
REGISTRATION TIP: You can register as a minor at the adult workcamp if you will turn 18 at the time of the workcamp.
Workcamps in the Czech Republic are typically in English. It is not necessary to speak English or Czech fluently at all, but you have to have at least basic knowledge of English and not to be afraid to communicate. Workcamp is a great opportunity to improve your language skills. Campleaders are ready to translate from Czech into English and vice versa, so you don’t have to worry about not understanding someone.
Financial costs
Registration fee
Processing of the workcamp application is conditioned by the payment of a registration fee. We cannot process the application until we receive a fee for it.
If you apply for Czech workcamp from the Czech republic (you are a resident):
- For a classical workcamp, your fee is: 1 500 CZK
- FAMILY workcamp in Czechia:
- Family Workcamp Back to Nature for Families: Adult – 2 750 CZK (1 500 CZK registration fee + 1 250 CZK participation fee which covers part of the costs for accommodation and food); kids – 625 CZK participation fee (registration fee does not apply).
If you going from abroad, please find a sending organisation from your country and apply for a workcamp through them.
When participating in Czech workcamp, which is not ESC, you will pay 10 EUR as an incoming fee.
Method of payment
You can pay the registration fee through a payment gateway or bank transfer. Detailed information will be sent to you in the confirmation email. The fee is valid for one calendar year.
Cancellation policy
When you are accepted for the project, your local partner counts on your participation. However, if for any reason you have to cancel your participation in the workcamp, we will refund your part of the registration fee. The application is subject to cancellation fees specified in the conditions of participation. If you will not be able to go to the workcamp for health reasons, we will agree on the procedure individually.
INEX provides basic liability insurance for the project participants above 15 years old, covering the costs of damages. INEX does not provide any health insurance for the workcamp participants. Volunteers cannot stay at the workcamp without this insurance. Volunteers need to bring all the necessary documents along with them.
Additional costs
You pay for transport yourself. It is up to you to set up your travels, but we can help you with everything if necessary.
How to apply?
Choose up to 3 workcamps from the database and sort them according to your preference. Fill out the application and submit it. You will receive an automatic email with further instructions shortly afterwards. After we receive the registration fee and the necessary documents from you (a motivation letter is required for some workcamps), we will start arranging your application. We will apply for the second or third-place project only if you are not accepted for the first. The application takes 1 to 3 days to process. We will inform you about the result by email. You will receive detailed information about the workcamp for which you will be accepted at least one month before the project in the form of an infosheet.
Our workcamps are led by one or two campleaders who coordinate the group. They work with local partners and facilitate group decision-making. The campleaders are required to attend intensive three-day training specially designed for their needs and also attend basic first aid training. If you have already been to a workcamp, consider leading a workcamp. It will intensify your workcamp experience even more and you will improve in leadership. Another way to join a workcamp initiative is to organize workcamp yourself and become our local partner.
Specialized workcamps
Family workcamps can be attended by parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles or other relatives with children. The accepted age of the children is given in the project description. At the workcamp, children are involved in work activities to a reasonable extent and in a suitable playful way. Other aspects are as at regular workcamps- the group lives, works and eats together. For children at family workcamps, only the accommodation and food fee is paid, the INEX registration fee is not paid. Workcamp descriptions appear in the search when you select the “family” filter.
People with special needs
We believe that everyone should have the same opportunity to participate in volunteer projects, and get to know and learn about them. Are you a volunteer with specific needs, disability, fewer opportunities or another kind of disadvantage, or an organization that works with these groups? Contact us at or by phone at +420 731 163 670 before applying for a workcamp, for consultation and selection of a suitable project. If necessary, we provide support in the selection of the project, and we take care of all preparation for participation and planning of the trip. In some cases, we can provide at least partial financial coverage. Read more about the Volunteering for All program.

Klára Johnová
+420 774 736 594