Training Cycle for Campleaders
Do you want to develop your organizational skills, time management and learn how to work with an international group of volunteers? Communicate effectively, motivate and collaborate in a team? Are you keen to try out a leadership role in an environment where mistakes are seen as a natural part of learning?
Training cycle step by step
Workcamp as a participant
You can choose workcamp in Czech Republic or abroad, you gain unique intercultural volunteering experience and you watch the whole workcamp already as a future leader. We recommend this experience especially for those who have never been at any workcamp before and after they participate in the whole training cycle, we are giving them 50% of registration fee for the workcamp as a participant back.
Training for campleaders
One day training
What should I expect while being campleader? Is there any helpful handbook? What are partner and inclusive leadership? How to prevent conflicts in a group and motivate? What should I say to a reporter about international volunteering? Which workcamp am I going to lead and with whom? Throughout the training we have a chance to answer these questions and enjoy it all together!
31. May 2025, Prague
Online training
Cannot join us ofline during the weekend training? No problem, we have you covered. We have created an online training for campleaders, where you are going to learn all the things you would during the offline training and much more. You decide yourself the time and intensity of your studies.🙂
First Aid Training
Even though you are not going to work as a paramedic during your workcamp, you can learn a lot of useful skills from this course. It will help you to be prepared to react while some minor injuries happen or when someone has an allergic reaction.
1. June 2025, in Prague
Workcamp as a campleader
During the two weeks at a workcamp, you are finally using your leadership skills in action! Throughout the workcamp, you are not a boss but you act as a team player, who works, behave according to rules which you have set together and you are learning. But in comparison to volunteers, you can learn much more: taking care of money, organize the work effectively, motivate the group while they are down or collaborate with your co-leader. Volunteering is the safe space to learn and make mistakes so don’t be afraid while they happen. You can read more about leading the workcamp here.
Evaluation meeting
How have we enjoyed our workcamps, what have we learned as leaders and how to use it in the future? A weekend full of inspiration, experiences and self-reflexions in the company of volunteers with the same experience will be the ceremonial closure of the whole cycle. Evaluation meeting will take place during autum. More info will be sent to participants of the cycle.
26. – 28. September 2025, Kaprálův mlýn
Educational seminars in Czech and abroad
You can choose one of our seminars and one seminar of our partners abroad for free or with a better price, so you can develop yourself further.
Note: Weekend training for campleaders, First Aid course (if not finished elsewhere) and workcamp as a campleader are mandatory parts of the training cycle, others are up to you.
Who can apply?
Training cycle is for everyone who is interested to become a campleader and who is:
- at least 18 years old
- able to communicate in English
Every campleader who successfully finish the training cycle is given a certificate (usually handed over during Evaluation meeting). To receive the certificate it is necessary to participate in all mandatory parts of the training cycle.
How to apply?
You just need to fill in the application and we will get in touch with you. The application is binding after sending the refundable fee.
Account number: 21 00 11 41 78/2010 Fio banka
In note please fill in “vedouci_YourSurname”.
Refundable deposit for participating in the Training program is: 800 CZK, send it to our account 2100114178/2010 (Fio banka) and as a note write “campleader_last name”. We will refund the money after you lead a workcamp and all deliver to us all required documents.
What is included
- Training for campleaders
- Snacks, dking, lunch
- First Aid course
- Possibility to participate in educational workshops in the Czech republic and abroad
- Public transportation to the place of workcamp you are leading
- Accommodation, food and pocket money at your workcamp
- Training materials
- Continuous support from INEX
- Discount on registration fee while applying for workcamp abroad as a participant
Transportation to the places of trainings in Czech is not included. For participation in a workcamp and training abroad, there are different conditions.

Petra Pilátová
+420 736 610 519
The activity is part of the annual programme of the informal network IGnet funded by the European Union.